Please make sure you follow the steps when making a call.
1. Click “Create Call” button.
2. Click “Copy Link” button.
3. Send the link to the person you want to talk with.
4. Click “Enter Call” to enter the call.
It is important that you (as the caller) enters the call via the “Enter Call” button and your partner(s) enter the call via the link when you press the “Copy Link” button.
Our system uses WebRTC which connects each person directly through browser to browser. The faster your internet connection, the higher the call quality. If you are suffering from buffering, freezing or drop outs, please check your internet speed and connection. If you are using mobile data, try to get into an area with a better reception. If you are using WIFI, move closer to your router or purchase an internet extender, such as a mesh system.
Calls are made between browsers, you require an internet connection to make a call. If you are connected to a WIFI hotspot you will use the WIFI data, if you are connected to your mobile sim card data, you will use mobile data. Whichever way you connect to the internet on your device, making a call will use that internet connection and data.
Only people with your call link can enter the call. Every time you create a call, a unique long link is generated, making it virtually impossible for outsiders to enter a call. As our system uses WebRTC (browser to browser), video and voice calls are not stored on our server or any third party, nothing is recorded.
You may sometimes struggle with both Telegram and WhatsApp when making a video call. This is because most messenger services rely on their own third party servers to relay calls. Streaming is passed through third party servers which at busy times can cause some delay, buffering, loss of call quality, including low volume and breaking up of audio. With our service, you are connected directly to your partner without a third party server. The quality of your call will depend on your internet connection speed and device settings.
Yes you can. Simply bookmark your call link when you are in the call and make a copy of the partner link or ask your partner to bookmark the call when they are in the call. As long as all partners access the same links when you wish to make a call and you, as the link creator, are in the call, it will remain permanent. Just keep the call link bookmarked so you can access it at any time.